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Now closed – page left up for posterity

Firepower – The Royal Artillery Museum, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich

Firepower exterior corner
Exterior view of the museum

The ordnance store and gun wharf at Henry VIII’s Royal Dockyard brought the first gunners to Woolwich in the 16th century.

In May 1716 the first two permanent companies of Royal Artillery were estab­lished by Royal Warrant. Each company numbered 100 men and their head­quar­ters was Tower Place, in what later became the Royal Arsenal. A military academy was estab­lished at Woolwich in 1720 to provide training for Royal Artillery officers.

The unit was renamed the Royal Regiment of Artillery in 1722, though it’s still commonly known as the Royal Artillery or the RA. By 1757 the RA had grown to 24 companies, divided into two battal­ions. Each new war in which Britain played a part brought another expansion in the size of the regiment, accom­pa­nied by advances in artillery tech­nology. By the time of the Second World War more personnel served in the Royal Artillery than in the entire Royal Navy.

The Royal Artillery’s battle honour (and Twitter hashtag) is Ubique – ‘Every­where’ – and its motto is Quo fas et gloria ducunt – ‘Where right and glory lead’.

In May 1778 the Royal Military Repos­i­tory – Firepower’s fore­runner – was estab­lished at the Royal Arsenal (as it was called from 1805) by a warrant issued to Captain William Congreve RA by George III. Since then, the collec­tion has moved home three times, always remaining within Woolwich. Its present base was formerly part of the Arsenal’s Royal Labo­ra­tory Depart­ment, which oversaw the design, manu­fac­ture and testing of ammunition.

One of the high­lights of the museum is its colossal collec­tion of cannons, mostly made in Britain – with some notable excep­tions like the blood­cur­dling Burmese dragon gun, shown below right.

A cannon and a Burmese dragon gun

Firepower is divided into several themed sections. The History Gallery displays historic artillery, instru­ments, models, uniforms, books, illus­tra­tions and gunners’ personal accounts of battle. The Gunnery Hall has weapons and vehicles from the 20th century, from light and medium artillery to rocket launchers and missiles. Shown in the photographs at the end of this article, the Field of Fire provides an immersive expe­ri­ence of artillery in action.

There’s also a Medals Gallery containing a small selection from the museum’s collec­tion of over 9,000 pieces and telling the stories of the honoured indi­vid­uals, whether they were field marshalls or foot soldiers – the latter often being more inter­esting. This is the only part of the museum in which photog­raphy is not allowed.

Throughout the museum there are display cases mounted on the walls and in other available spaces, containing all manner of minor items, including those shown below.

Display case items, including a flowerburst shell case and a model cannon

The museum has some weak­nesses – partic­u­larly in the Modern Gunner exhi­bi­tion (covering the major campaigns in which the Royal Artillery has recently operated, from the troubles in Northern Ireland to the war in Afghanistan) – but Hidden London isn’t inclined to focus on these failings in view of Firepower’s forth­coming closure [which has now happened]. Instead, let’s accen­tuate the positive. The Royal Artillery Museum isn’t just an unri­valled collec­tion of historic hardware, it’s a repos­i­tory of military memories brought to life in well presented and infor­ma­tively labelled displays, with a smat­tering of multi­media support, and input – if you want it – from some very knowl­edge­able staff.

If you’ve ever served in the armed forces Firepower should fascinate you – and noncom­bat­ants will probably find it more engaging than they’d expect.


Arguably the world’s oldest military museum, Fire­pow­er’s life in Woolwich ended on 8 July 2016 but this page has been left up as a histor­ical record. After the closure a permanent exhi­bi­tion devoted to the Royal Regiment of Artillery opened at the Greenwich Heritage Centre. But that whole place closed in July 2018. Firepower itself was supposed to reopen at a new purpose-built heritage centre close to the Royal Regiment’s home at Larkhill on Salisbury Plain. However, this project does not seem to be progressing as smoothly or rapidly as was orig­i­nally promised.

Field of Fire photographs