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Upminster Bridge | Hidden London

Upminster Bridge

Upminster Bridge, Havering

The penultimate eastbound station on the District line, situated in the border country between Upminster and Hornchurch

geograph-3767770-by-Martin-Addison - Passing The Windmill

The station’s name refers to the road bridge over the River Ingre­bourne at the foot of Upminster Hill. In 1782 the vestry board proposed a stone-built replace­ment for the old wooden bridge, but the plan was rejected. This proved a false economy because subse­quent timber repairs cost as much as the stone bridge would have done.

Construc­tion of a sturdier crossing had to wait until 1891, following heavy rain and disas­trous floods three years earlier in which the Bridge House Inn (now the Windmill, shown in the photo­graph above*) had been badly damaged. The new bridge was twice the width of its prede­cessor and had a time capsule of local documents and publi­ca­tions sealed into the foun­da­tions, seven feet below the road surface.

Nearby, spec­u­la­tive house-building began before the First World War and the area was fully developed by around 1930, with the station opening in December 1934. Replace­ments, ‘improve­ments’ and ongoing infilling have had a messy effect on the area’s domestic archi­tec­ture. The local shops, also a mixed bag, are mainly of the low rent variety.

Hornchurch stadium, on Bridge Avenue, was built in 1952. The stadium has athletics facil­i­ties and is home to Hornchurch FC.

Postcode areas: Hornchurch, RM11 and Upminster, RM14
Station: District line (zone 6)
* The picture entitled Passing The Windmill on this page is adapted from an original photograph, copyright Martin Addison, at Geograph Britain and Ireland, made available under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic Licence. Any subsequent reuse is freely permitted under the terms of that licence.