Privacy policy
Privacy policy
Information about Hidden London’s use of cookies and other privacy and data protection issues
Hidden London respects the privacy of its visitors and is committed to preserving your privacy whenever you visit or make contact.
Collected information
Data regarding your visit(s) to this website and any resources used are collected in an aggregated manner via Google Analytics, including and not limited to: location data, traffic data, and other information.
The only way in which Hidden London will ever collect information about you as a named individual is if you make use of the form on the Contact page.
Hidden London’s use of your information
Aggregate statistical information stored or collected regarding you may be used to help improve this website. None of the information collected about you will offer identifiable characteristics. Any information shared with a third party will be of a statistical nature only. Hidden London will not reveal who you are, only mathematical information about visitors collectively.
Personal information obtained via your use of the form on the Contact page (such as your name and email address) will never be used for any purpose other than responding to your message.
Third party links
Third party links may be discovered on Hidden London. These third party links have their own privacy policy, which you agree to when you click on the link. Hidden London cannot accept any responsibility for third party links.
Advertising and cookies
Third party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on a user’s previous visits to this website or other websites.
Google’s use of advertising cookies enables it and its partners to serve ads to users based on their visit to this site and/or other sites on the internet.
You may opt out of personalised advertising by visiting Ads Settings. Alternatively, you may opt out of a third-party vendor’s use of cookies for personalised advertising by visiting
Q. What’s the upshot of all this gobbledegook?
A. You may see ads (and possibly recommendations regarding other pages on Hidden London that might be of interest to you) that are based on your previous browsing.
Q. Any other intrusions into my individual privacy?
A. No, none.
Your browser has the ability to decline cookies. However, if you do decline the download of cookies, some aspects of this site and others may not work or allow you access.
More information regarding Google’s use of cookies can be found on this page at Google UK.
Third-party plugins
Some Hidden London web pages use plugins from third-party platforms (such as various recommend/share functions). Information about your visit to Hidden London may be collected by these third party providers. To find out more about how these third parties use information, please read their privacy policies.
This privacy policy is updated from time to time; therefore it should be reviewed occasionally. It was last updated on 9 July 2021. For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998, Russ Willey is Hidden London’s data controller.
Please feel free to contact Hidden London with queries, requests, or comments you may have about this privacy policy, using the form on the Contact page.