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4 Hamilton Place | Hidden London

4 Hamilton Place

Nuggets – bite size chunks of London

Royal Aeronautical Society headquarters

Estab­lished in 1866 as the Aero­nau­tical Society of Great Britain, the Royal Aero­nau­tical Society is the world’s oldest profes­sional body dedicated to the aerospace community.

For its first 70 years the society held its meetings in the rooms of the Society of Arts (from 1908 the Royal Society of Arts) and acquired its present home from the Crown in 1938.

No.4 Hamilton Place is a bow-windowed Georgian townhouse situated just behind the Four Seasons Hotel at Park Lane. The Duke of Wellington lived here in the year before the Battle of Waterloo.

The house’s most distinc­tive feature is the baroque staircase, shown below. As with so many such places nowadays, its rooms are available to hire for corporate events and wedding receptions.
Royal Aeronautical Society staircase at 4 Hamilton Place