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Quo Vadis | Hidden London

Quo Vadis

Nuggets – bite size chunks of London

Quo Vadis

Hidden London: Quo Vadis signageQuo Vadis (a Latin phrase meaning “Whither goest thou?”) is a restau­rant in Dean Street, Soho, founded in 1926 by Peppino Leoni in premises formerly occupied by Karl Marx.

It began as a seven-table Italian restau­rant in one room, and expanded to fill four adjacent town­houses, now all knocked together. Over the decades it became a notable fixture on the Soho scene.

After changing hands a number of times the estab­lish­ment was acquired in 2007 by the brothers Sam and Eddie Hart, who rein­vented it as a tradi­tional British restau­rant and a private members’ club. Marx’s attic rooms comprise the Harts’ offices.

Quo Vadis nowadays also has a bakery and offers private dining facil­i­ties in the small Leoni Room and the large Marx Room.

“While the food was Italian, it was a somewhat angli­cised version. ‘He was a shameless self-publicist and always enter­taining Lord and Lady Muck,’ Eddie Hart says. ‘Leoni would have had no qualms about serving shepherd’s pie if someone had wanted it.’”
Caterer and Hotel­keeper (5 June 2008)