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Northwood Hills | Hidden London

Northwood Hills

Northwood Hills, Hillingdon

The south-eastern end of Northwood, named to convey an impression of poshness when it was actually relatively affordable

entrance to Northwood Hills station

In the mid-18th century most of this area was part of Ruislip Common and it remained wholly rural until Northwood’s growth began to spill over in the early 20th century.

The Metro­pol­itan Railway agreed to build Northwood Hills station on condition that the developer indem­ni­fied it against all losses for five years, but such was the project’s success that the require­ment was soon waived.

The station opened in November 1933 and the construc­tion of houses nearby began almost imme­di­ately after­wards and continued for two decades. Most of the prop­er­ties were built on a more afford­able scale than in Northwood itself, some in a flat-roofed modernist style.

Religious services were held from 1935 in a tent on the site of the present church of St Edmund the King, which was completed in 1964. Opened as the Northwood Hills Odeon, the Rex cinema was demol­ished in 1975 and replaced by a supermarket.

At the 2011 census, 57 per cent of Northwood Hills’ residents were white British. The main ethnic minority is of Indian birth or descent, and mostly Hindu. A rela­tively high 23 per cent of residents are aged over 60.

During the 1960s the young Elton John (born Reginald Dwight) lived at 30 Frome Court on Pinner Road with his mother and stepfather-to-be. At the age of 16 he began performing at the Northwood Hills Hotel every weekend, for £1 a night plus the proceeds of a whip-round. The establishment is now an Indian restaurant.

Postcode areas: Northwood HA6 and Pinner HA5
Population: 11,578 (2011 census)
Station: Metropolitan line (zone 6)
Further reading: WAG Kemp, The Story of Northwood and Northwood Hills, self-published, 1955
* The picture of the the entrance to Northwood Hills station on this page is adapted from an original photograph, copyright Marathon, at Geograph Britain and Ireland, made available under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic Licence. Any subsequent reuse is freely permitted under the terms of that licence.